Drinking in the Moments

As I sit at my computer and contemplate the next topic for this blog, a reassuring tug at my heart keeps diverting my attention from more practical topics and how-to’s to an idea that has been floating namelessly in my mind and was brought to the surface by another blogger. This idea of drinking in the moments or “want nothing time”, which I heard labeled that way for the first time after reading 30 Days to Transform Your Play at Reggio Inspired Home.

There are days when I come home from work, put the little guy down for a nap, and just don’t have the energy to change around play spaces, set up a new art experience, or create new DIY toys/activities. I have the energy to watch TV while folding laundry, eat, and then attempt to do some cleaning that has been nagging me for days. I feel guilty. Isn’t my baby my priority?

Soon enough he wakes up and we plunge in to the reminder of our day. Nothing exciting on the horizon. Just time together in a semi-clean house. I have learned to embrace this. This idea of “want nothing time”. Time with no plan or agenda, but instead my complete and undivided attention. My calm and peaceful self just sitting. Engaging if invited by my little one, but otherwise just watching. Enjoying the sight before me of my little love laughing, playing, discovering, chasing the cats, making music, falling and getting back up. I notice things about him I never noticed before. I see his little mind at work. I laugh to myself as I recognize a tune he is trying to sing independently. I feel pride when I hear him trying out a new word that he so desperately wants me to hear and understand.

This “want nothing time” is the sweetest time we have together. I notice the calm that settles over both of us. Even if it only lasts for 15 minutes before some other duty calls my attention away. He gets to bask in my presence. To know that he is all that matters. To know he is home, loved, seen, and valued. What more could you ask for?

We all do this at some point. Why not be more intentional and focused during these moments? What beauty has come from your “want nothing time”? What have you discovered about yourself and your little one during these precious minutes?


fullsizerender-3Speaking of which…the little one is rousing. Time to enjoy a little “want nothing time” of our own…

2 thoughts on “Drinking in the Moments

  1. “He gets to bask in my presence. To know that he is all that matters. To know he is home, loved, seen, and valued. What more could you ask for?” Truly the greatest gifts, to anyone, for anyone. For you, as well as him. “I see you” (from the movie Avatar) is one of the most powerful moments in any “story” (life!)….


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